The Factor of fall of the civilization is an alert for us to define why some countries fall from high to bottom or vice versa?
The first stage: From abundance to contentment
Being content means being complacent and increasingly unaware of dangerous trends that undermine health and the ability to thrive. Everything looks fine, so it should be fine. However, the necessary institutions, resources, infrastructure, and virtues are all crumbling, as virtues, instructions, and ideals are as distant as ever, those who sound the ultimatums are labeled by the laggards as "murderers" and considered extremist, cruel or judgmental.
The second stage: From contentment to careless
The word careless comes from the Greek and refers to a lack of interest or passion for things that were once moving and inspiring. Because of the complacency in the previous stage, the growing lack of interest in disturbing trends is progressing towards complete separation, many rarely think about or care about the sacrifices of previous generations and lose the sense of the necessity to work for and contribute to the common good. "Civilization" is being dealt a serious blow by being replaced by privatization and privatization in increasing degrees, work and sacrifice for others become more distant. Increasing numbers are increasingly willing to live on the corpse of previous sacrifices. They park over a dime for someone else, but they won't fill up the parking meter themselves. Hard work and self-discipline continue to erode.
The third stage: From careless to dependence
Increasing numbers of people lack the virtues and enthusiasm to work and contribute. The suffering and sacrifices that built the culture are now a distant memory. As discipline and work increasingly seem "too hard," dependence grows. Collective culture is now guiding in the direction of dependency. Suffering of any kind seems unbearable. But virtue is not the solution, having lived on the sacrifices of others for years, civilization now insists that "others" must solve their problems. This heralds the growing demands for collective government solutions. This in turn deepens dependency, as solutions move from personal virtue and domestic and family sacrifices to central sacrifices.
The fourth stage: from dependency to slavery
As the dependency increases, the centripetal force increases. Dependent people tend to become increasingly dysfunctional and hopeless. Looking for a savior, they look to strong central leadership. But the central authority corrupts and tends to increase the intrusion of the central authority. Injustice and intrusion multiply. But those who are enslaved do not know any other solutions. Family and personal virtue (essential components of any civilization) are now being replaced, effectively through an increasingly dark and tyrannical centralized control, hungry for more power. In this way, civilization gradually ends, because enslaved people no longer have the virtues necessary to fight. Another possibility is that a more powerful nation or group is able to enter, by conquest or substitution, destroying the final remnants of a decadent civilization and replacing it with its own culture, another possibility is that a more powerful nation or group is able to enter, by conquest or substitution, destroying the final remnants of a decadent civilization and replacing it with its own culture. Either way, it's up to the crucible, Until suffering and conflict bring enough wisdom, virtue and courage to start a new civilization rise from the ashes, such are the stages of civilizations. Sic transit Gloria Mundi. The Church has seen much of this in the two thousand years of its era.
In the end
They said in the old days: If you did not add anything in life, you would be more than lif, The wheel must go on. A fish that is afraid of a big fish is always on the move and so it tastes better. Don't stop moving even if you feel abundance.